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30 March 2023 News

Annual shareholder's meeting 27. April 2023

The board of Klappir announces the Annual Shareholder's Meeting of the company which will be held 27th April 2023 at 15:00, at Café Atlanta, Hlíðasmári 3, 201 Kópavogur, Iceland.

By Ólöf Ásta Ólafsdóttir

Notice of a meeting with further information on the agenda of the Annual Shareholder´s Meeting together with the Board's proposals can be found linked below.

Registration of shareholders

Documents (IS)

Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Aðalfundarboð
Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Ályktunartillögur stjórnar
Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Starfskjarastefna
Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Framboðseyðublað 2023

By Ólöf Ásta Ólafsdóttir30 March 2023

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