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8 November 2022 Webinar

Past event: ESG statements

What is the best way to prepare and finalize sustainability statements? On 29. November, 2022 Dr. Jon Agust Thorsteinsson and Kristinn Audunsson hosted a webinar on making sustainability statements.

By Lára Sigríður Lýðsdóttir

What is the best way to prepare and complete a sustainability statement?
Click here to request access to a replay of the webinar

Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Time: 14:00 - 15:30 UTC
Language: English
Instructor. Dr. Jón Ágúst Þorsteinsson and Kristinn Auðunsson


In sustainability statements, the status of a company/institution accounts in terms of environmental issues, social aspects and governance (ESG). In the webinar Dr. Jon Agust will go through the methodology for making sustainability statements in the Sustainability Platform, the Klappir software. Main points discussed:

  • General issues related to climate issues, especially in Iceland and internationally.
  • Methodology and how best to lay the foundation for a solid sustainability statement. Here will be, among other things, touched upon the extent of statements and implementation and which parties need to make ESG statements. Furthermore go through the main risk factors that companies and municipalities need to take into account and respond to.
  • How a solid sustainability statement can help meet national and international laws and regulations that concern the sustainability of companies and municipalities. How best to make an integrated annual report that deals with the economy, environment, society and governance. The benefits of getting a third party to confirm the sustainability statement (e. Assurance).
  • Klappir's Sustainability Platform and how best to work with the software to maximize results. How the data collection is managed and the connection of data to assets and the value chain. Review how performance indicators are set up and finally we will review how the statement is set up and confirmed.


You will get solid knowledge of the preparation of sustainability statements and an overview of the steps that must be taken in order for the statements work to run optimally. Those who are more advanced get an overview of which ESG elements would be good to add to previous settlement.


The webinar is intended for those who manage the preparation of sustainability statements and are preparing to work on making sustainability statements in the Klappir software or are considering using the Klappir software. The webinar is also for those who have previously made a sustainability statements with the software and want to refresh their knowledge of it.

By Lára Sigríður Lýðsdóttir8 November 2022

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