Online Annual shareholder's meeting 27. April 2022
The board of Klappir announces the Annual Shareholder's Meeting of the company which will be held online on Wednesday 27 April 2022 at 16:00
Notice of a meeting with further information on the agenda of the Annual Shareholder´s Meeting together with the Board's proposals can be found linked below.
Attention is drawn to the fact that according to the previous announcement, the meeting was to take place on April 5, 2022.
The meeting takes place and registered shareholders will be sent a link to the online meeting in due time. The meeting takes place online where shareholders can follow the work of the Annual General Meeting and participate in the meeting.
Shareholders or shareholders' representatives who wish to attend the meeting are asked to register no later than 16:00 on April 25, 2022.
Shareholders shall vote on matters on the agenda of the meeting in writing. Votes cast are received by the company's office or to be sent to the email address no later than five days before the meeting, i.e. before 16:00 on April 22, 2022.
Documents (IS)
- Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Aðalfundarboð
- Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Ályktunartillögur stjórnar
- Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Starfskjarastefna (gildandi - óbreytt)
- Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Framboðseyðublað 2022
- Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Article of Association (PDF)
- Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. - Board Rules of Procedure (PDF)
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