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24 October 2022 News

Past event: Online shareholder meeting of Klappir Green Solutions

The Board of Directors of Klappir Green Solutions shareholder meeting, will be held online Friday, November 18, 2022. The meeting will start at 15:00 UTC.

By Ólöf Ásta Ólafsdóttir

The Board of Directors of Klappir Green Solutions calls for a shareholder meeting in the company, which will be held online Friday, November 18, 2022. The meeting will start at 15:00 UTC.

Meeting agenda

  1. Chairman's address.
  2. Proposal for the issue of subscription rights, authorization of the board of directors to increase the share capital and buy own shares.
  3. Proposal for new articles of association.
  4. Other items legally presented.

Shareholders have the right to have items/issues addressed at the meeting if a written or electronic request has been made. If a shareholder wishes to put an issue or proposal on the agenda of the meeting, such a request must have been received by the company's office or to the e-mail address investors@klappir.com no later than 10 days before the meeting, i.e. before 15:00 on November 8. Such a request must be accompanied by a justification or a draft resolution to the company's board no later than a week before the meeting or before 15:00 on November 11.

The final agenda and proposals will be published on November 11 in accordance with the association's bylaws.

Shareholders can register for the meeting here (registration closed) and they will then be sent a link to the meeting. The meeting takes place online where shareholders can follow the general meeting activities and participate in the meeting.

Shareholders can have a proxy attend the shareholders' meeting on their behalf. The agent must submit a written power of attorney. Shareholders or shareholders' representatives who intend to attend the meeting are asked to register on the company's website no later than at 15:00 on November 16.

Shareholders must vote on matters on the agenda of the meeting by letter. Votes must have been received at the company's office or at the email address investors@klappir.com no later than five days before the meeting, i.e. before 15:00 on November 13.

Other information All documents and proposals that will be submitted to the shareholders' meeting can be found here:
Ályktunartillögur stjórnar Klappa Grænna Lausna hf. (IS-only)

Kopavogur, 20 October 2022 The Board of Directors of Klappir Green Solutions.

By Ólöf Ásta Ólafsdóttir24 October 2022

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